Articles by The Dartmouth Review

Good to Know

The New Hampshire State Liquor Commission actually publishes the 50 most commonly bought bottles of booze. Sorry, Gorsche, but Rebel Yell Bourbon doesn’t make the…

Fun with guns at Mt. Holyoke

It is a glorious fall afternoon, and the members of the “Second Amendment Sisters” at Mount Holyoke College are in high spirits, because they are…

Dave Marmaros ’01 has been busy…

…and I hope he doesn’t mind me saying so. The vacationing Netblitz creator is about to release something big that’s going to chew up a…

Letter to the Editor

Let’s see if the D publishes this: To the Editor: In response to Adil W. Ahmad’s letter of October 16th (“Expand the Definition”), I wish…

OS X Blitzmail

Last month, the College released a beta Blitzmail client for OS X (download it from here). Disappointingly, the software is an update (“Carbonized,” for those…

Nelson Mandela’s Latest

The former President of South Africa had this to say about the US attacking Iraq: “No country, however powerful it may be, is entitled to…

The original article

Vassilia Binensztok’s article, as it was submitted to the Daily Dartmouth and prior to editing, can be read here. Rumor has it that Binensztok will…