Articles by The Dartmouth Review

History in Good Hands

Many of you may have missed the changeover at the helm of the History Department recently. Heide Whelan (whose name is, curiously, misspelled on the…

Let’s Start a Debate

For fun, I think I’ll post the following speech delivered by Harvard’s president, Larry Summers, recently of Clinton admin fame. This speech was delivered on…

MIT’s gift to the world

MIT’s Open Courseware initiative (a good overview from the BBC) is the kind of thing that more universities ought to be doing. As other college,…

More on Press Bias

CNS News is featuring a story on Dartmouth Professor Jim A. Kuypers’ forthcoming book, “Press Bias and Politics: How the Media Frame Controversial Issues.” You…

Get Shorty

From Taegan Goddard’s Political Wire: The Hotline reports a new Boston Herald poll shows Robert Reich [Dartmouth ’68] fading dramatically in the last few days…

U.S. News Rankings

Yes, we know Dartmouth has been ranked #9 by the magazine this year. No, it’s not news, which is why word of it wasn’t posted…

Let’s Import a Tradition.

By the way, Talcott’s link on “Wah-Hoo-Wah” includes a reference to what’s called the “Not Gay” chant at the University of Virginia. I asked a…

To be clear

The Wired article doesn’t connect EKT with the lewd study break exchange.