Articles by The Dartmouth Review


“Larry Scholer, editor in chief of the Dartmouth Review, long the best-known conservative newspaper on America’s campuses, says, ‘There could be problems with what we…

Dartmouth Weblogs

Dartmouth’s director of communications services has a weblog. Know of any other Dartmouth students, faculty, administrators, or alumni with frequently updated sites? Let us know,…

Dartmouth representation in Albany?

Newsday reported last week that Dan Mahony has moved out of state and Tom Golisano will be running without a Conservative Lieutenant Governor running mate….

The Socialist Holiday

The history of Labor Day. More: “While in the United States and Canada, Labor Day still continues to be observed on the first Monday in…

RSS for The Dartmouth

It seems like nobody at the D has any idea how their website works, which means there’s little chance of them creating an RSS feed…

Alumni Blitzmail down

It seems like the Alumni BlitzMail server is down. Maybe somebody with email access could let Kiewit know? Great timing: just two days before I…

More on News Aggregators

Ben Hammersley writes in the Guardian: I don’t mean to brag but it’s 8.30am and I’ve already got up to date with 75 different websites….

Unsolicited Commercial Email

Received today in the Dartlog inbox (bold emphasis mine): From: Subject: CACTUSJACK.NET To:> Dear Sir/madam, CACTUSJACK.NET – US$420 Please note that after years,…

The One-Party Academic System

Paul Cella on the recent American Enterprise article: The results are, very simply, devastating; they quite thoroughly document an American academia full of �virtual one-party…