A few entertaining Dartmouth items on eBay (all prices as of the current moment): A Dartmouth College “tobacco leather” with a building etched in (Webster…
Articles by The Dartmouth Review
Dartmouth Libraries, way back when: In 1779, the Dartmouth Library was open from 1-2 PM, Monday and Tuesday. Now the hours are a little more…
On the Road Again: Known well around Hanover for his work at Stinson’s, ever-presence at the 5 Olde bar, and myriad eccentricities, “Baltimore Jack” Tarlin…
Dorm Locking Delayed: Starting next fall, all College dormitories will have an electronic door locking system which will require students to carry “proximity cards” to…
Today in 1942: The Stanford Indians beat the Dartmouth Indians 53-38 for the NCAA basketball championship. Some game and season stats here.
Sex for One: Women’s Resource Center favorite Betty Dodson, “noted” sexologist and author of Sex for One, a guide to masturbation (available at the WRC),…
In Concert: Denver indie-pop band Dressy Bessy will play at Dartmouth’s Collis Center on Friday, with opening act Death Ray Davies hitting the stage at…
Harvard Lite: Why is it that every grand new idea the College comes up with to “ensure that Dartmouth remain an institution at the forefront…
Ben Stein’s Dartmouth Diary: In today’s Daily D TV gameshow host and writer Ben Stein makes another appearance at the College. Responding to the March…
Earning their pay: Speaking of inane studies, a team of Dartmouth Medical School researchers recently linked movies to teen smoking. Apparently, teens who watch movies…