We have just discovered that Bonnie Lam’s name is listed on the “Who We Are” portion of the Dartmouth Undying website. Not only is Bonnie Lam the only ’10 member of Dartmouth Undying, she is one of relatively few current students who are members of the organization that claims broad student support.
“The message was created, prepared and signed solely by students. Dartmouth Undying did not solicit this message.” – Bonnie Lam in the text of the original letter.
P.S. I’ll add that there are only 12 current students who are members. Nine members of the class of 2008, and one each for the following three years. —A.S.
P.P.S. It’s been correctly pointed out in the comments that the list we linked to was one of supporters, not members. The difference between the two is unclear at this point. I think the big story here is how few students have signed on—or relatively small story, as it were. —A.S.
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