Arts & Culture

Conspiracy, Truth, and Violence

Disclaimer: The author is currently taking a class with Professor Levey, and he has provided input on a manuscript of A Genealogy of Violence. It…

Pandora’s Box

The gods had hidden away the true means of livelihood for humans. If it were otherwise, it would be easy for you to do in…

Death of a Nation

Mr. Sivarajan reviews Dinesh D’Souza’s “Death of a Nation”

St. Paul’s Outside the Walls

Mr. Jajodia reviews Professor Nicola Camerlenghi’s latest book, “St. Paul’s Outside the Walls: A Roman Basilica, from Antiquity to the Modern Era”

The Abolition of Man

Over the holiday break I found no better way to close 2018 than re-reading C.S. Lewis’s The Abolition of Man.  This was particularly meaningful as…

An Erudite Endeavor

We are graced with only a handful of years at the College on the Hill, so it is of considerable importance to figure out the best ways in which to spend them. For those more motivated among us, the question of how to maximize our brief intellectual interlude at the College is perhaps most pressing of all…