
The Truth About The Foreign Student Fiasco

#AbolishICE? Starting as a far-left slogan of the 2018 election season, the phrase has resurged in popularity due to widespread frustration over ICE’s recent proclamation…

The Paradox of Remote Learning

It was only then that I realized that I had been so busy lodging complaints against the format of online courses that I had entirely forgotten to consider how the material itself, and my understanding of it, was affected by the distance.

On Sheep and Other Mammals

When I graduated from high school in 2017, William Deresiewicz’s book Excellent Sheep: The Mis-Education of the American Elite and The Way to a Meaningful Life…

Dean Lively Chooses Fire and Brimstone

Courtesy of Kathryn Lively On Monday, April 13th, Dean of the College Kathryn Lively finally found the long-awaited confidence to write an original and un-paraphrased…

On Elections and Their Consequences

If you opened this article looking for commentary on the 2020 election, I’m sorry to disappoint. Contrary to popular theory, The Review generally forgoes national news…

Race to the Fourth

With mandatory pass/fail grading, the allure of the fourth class has proven too strong to resist for most.