
SAE Renames as Scarlett Hall

For decades, the big Georgian house that frames Baker Library and College Street had borne the letters Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Following whirlwind years of bad…

Margaret Atwood Comes to Dartmouth

Acclaimed writer-turned-cultural-icon Margaret Atwood spoke to a brimming Spalding Auditorium on April the 18th as part of the 2019 Dorsett Fellowship Lecture Series—“Ethics Through the…

Tribal Citizenship: A Primer

I was recently struck by a conversation I had with a Dartmouth professor. When the subject of my favorite Presidential candidate came up, this professor,…

Elizabeth Warren and Racial Politics

Elizabeth Warren, 2020 Presidential Candidate, Massachusetts Senator and progressive firebrand du jour, entered a packed conference room at the Hanover Inn about an hour late….

C3I Revises Sexual Misconduct Policy

On March 29th, the Campus Climate and Culture Initiative (C3I) released a draft of their proposed United Sexual Misconduct Policy and Procedures. This document was…

The College Raises Tuition…Again

On March 4th, the Office of Communications announced new policies determined during the Board of Trustees’ spring meeting. These new policies focused on four points:…