
Dartmouth Cares: A Philanthropic Failure

On the Saturday of Sophomore Family Weekend, Chi Delta—a local sorority— hosted a “rally against family separation” called “Dartmouth Cares” on Gold Coast Lawn. The…

A Learning Opportunity

“You are sieging Troy, and you have no Trojan horse.” I once said this to a group of conservative strategists who asked me for my…

Immigration Protest on the Green

On Saturday June 30th, activists and protestors from the Hanover Town Democrats and the Dartmouth College Democrats filled the Green to hold a demonstration about…

Controversy on Memorial Day

The audacity of President Hanlon is one matched by few public figures. Although both the Student Veterans Association and the Dartmouth Democrats reported that President…

Campus Carry with Antonia Okafor

In a talk sponsored by the College Republicans on May 10, gun rights and campus carry activist Antonia Okafor addressed the flaws inherent in gun…

Review Reviews: Antonia Okafor Talk

“Nothing stops a bad guy with a gun except a good guy—or girl—with a gun.” This is, in short, the summary of Antonia Okafor’s May…

Endangered Traditions: Touching the Fire

The College on the Hill boasts many illustrious storied, and sordid traditions. The “Old Traditions” of Dartmouth have been a common thread between generations of…

Summer Classes at Dartmouth

Sophomore summer is crucial part of every Dartmouth student’s experience. It has become a fundamental part of Dartmouth’s culture, and people all across the country…

Dartmouth: A Bloated Bureaucracy

As seniors prepare to graduate and say so long to Dartmouth, it seems fitting to examine to some extent what their four years of tuition, and for…

In Defense of “The Call to Lead”

On April 27th, 2018, President Phil Hanlon of Dartmouth College announced “The Call to Lead: A Campaign for Dartmouth,” a capital campaign seeking $3 billion…