
Emily Esfahani-Smith Returns to Campus

Author Emily Esfahani-Smith ‘09 spoke to a collection of Dartmouth students, faculty, and community members last Friday to promote her new book, The Power of…

Review Reviews: Veritas Forum

On Monday April 30th, the annual Veritas Forum took place in the Rockefeller Center here at the College. This year’s event, “The Price of Free…

Patriarchy: the Shattuck Observatory

Bellow the tree line of College Park sits one of The College’s most historic of buildings, the Shattuck Observatory, which has been a fixture in…

The Failure of the Welfare State

The expansion of the welfare state during the 20thcentury prompted an expansion of the federal government. The New Deal and the Great Society forever changed…

Murals of Old Dartmouth

Last week, Dartmouth College convened a study group to decide the future of the “Hovey Murals.” The murals, well-known for their controversial depictions of the…

Black Thoughts Matter

Black Thoughts Matter: Kanye West Takes the Red Pill “This your last chance. After this there is no turning back. You take the blue pill,…

An Interview with James LaBelle

The Review interviewed Professor James LaBelle, Department Chair of Physics and Astronomy.  Professor LaBelle’s Physics 13 and 14 classes are well liked by many students…

Student Assembly Update on Capital Campaign

Dear Student Body, Monik Walters and Nicole Knape here, your new Student Assembly representatives!  Yesterday morning we were invited to join President Hanlon and the Deans…

Venezuela: A Failed State

Few could imagine the growth of Venezuela’s economy during the 20th century. A booming oil industry would bear much of the responsibility for this growth, but…