
Black Thoughts Matter

Black Thoughts Matter: Kanye West Takes the Red Pill “This your last chance. After this there is no turning back. You take the blue pill,…

An Interview with James LaBelle

The Review interviewed Professor James LaBelle, Department Chair of Physics and Astronomy.  Professor LaBelle’s Physics 13 and 14 classes are well liked by many students…

Student Assembly Update on Capital Campaign

Dear Student Body, Monik Walters and Nicole Knape here, your new Student Assembly representatives!  Yesterday morning we were invited to join President Hanlon and the Deans…

Venezuela: A Failed State

Few could imagine the growth of Venezuela’s economy during the 20th century. A booming oil industry would bear much of the responsibility for this growth, but…

An Interview with Austen Fletcher

Austen Fletcher ‘12 has recently developed quite a following on YouTube with his channel, FleccasTalks. The premise of his videos is simple, as Fletcher puts it,…

Defense in the Face of Disapproval

In 1906, Evelyn Beatrice Hall under the pseudonym S.G. Tallentyre published The Friends of Voltaire. An anecdotal biography that tells the stories of the friends…

The Review Reviews 1984

It is common for theatrical adaptations of books to be poor. But, it is rare that a theatrical adaptation of a book misses as much…

An Interview with DIPP

Editor’s Note: Founded in 2007, the Dartmouth Investment and Philanthropy Program is a student run investment group that manages a $450,000 portfolio. Commonly referred to…

A Vote of No Confidence

As Daniel Webster stated in the legendary 1819 Supreme Court case of Dartmouth College vs. Wentworth, “It is, sir, as I have said, a small…