
All the Small Things

In his novel, David Copperfield, English writer Charles Dickens wrote, “my meaning simply is, that whatever I have tried to do in life, I have…

Distinguished Alumni: Peter Robinson

Editor’s Note: Peter Robinson is a professor at the Hoover Institute at Stanford. He produces a weekly show in conjunction with the Hoover Institute called…

An Interview with Kevin Reinhart

Professor Kevin Reinhart has been a professor of religion at the College since 1986. He has a BA in Middle Eastern and Arabic Studies from…

The Value of a Good Book

The legendary English philosopher John Locke wrote that “Education begins the gentleman, but reading, good company, and reflection must finish him.” As I enter the…

Wright to Speak at Founders Day Event

Dr. James Wright, who previously served as the President of the College, will receive an honorary degree and serve as keynote speaker at the New…

Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook

Antifa? You mean those “black-clad” thugs that smashed up a Starbucks on Berkeley’s campus? Who are they? Where did they come from? Why are they…