
Many Thousand Sunsets

When John Ledyard took his last stroll to the banks of the Connecticut in 1773, he probably felt his Dartmouth dream dying as he walked….

Happy Founders Day, Kiddos!

As I peeled the knock-off red wax seal from my envelope, I made my way to the Allen reception area. Though I would not call…

The Bill of (Student) Rights

On Thursday, February 25, Student Assembly unveiled the Dartmouth College Students’ Bill of Rights and By-Laws. According to the first article, the bill seeks to…

The Diversity Debacle

Students of Dartmouth College are more than familiar with the school’s seemingly endless initiatives on diversity. From the ambiguity of OPAL to President Hanlon’s recent…

For the Students, By the Students

If you’re looking for a sign that student life has hit a rough patch, the opinion pages of The Dartmouth are pretty good bellwether. Over…

Great Professor Series: Susannah Heschel

The Dartmouth Review has, on occasion, been accused of unnecessary negativity. In the spirit of promoting a better Dartmouth for future generations, we have decided…

Leave the Frats, Take the Cannoli

“There are decades where nothing happens; and weeks where decades happen.”  —V. I. Lenin It’s amazing how quickly the times have toughened for Dartmouth’s Greek houses…

On the Purpose of Higher Education

The fall of 2015 was wrought with controversy, outrage, and criticism regarding the state of higher education in the United States. The University of Missouri…