
Canes of Dartmouth: A Forgotten Rite

Canes at Dartmouth have a history that predates their role in commencement.  In the 18th and 19th centuries, canes were status symbols. The privilege to…

The Apology of TDR

Over the past two weeks, The Dartmouth has published two op-ed pieces that critiqued the quality of news on our campus. Columnists Matthew Goldstein and…

Creative Learning Bearing Fruit

On the first day of classes this term, President Hanlon emailed the student body to share his thoughts on the broad moment in American higher…

Behind the Administrative Curtain

Dartmouth’s status as a private institution allows the college a large amount of freedom in the decisions it makes and the rules it implements. This…

UGA Training: Behind Closed Doors

Dartmouth’s residential system is one of the least transparent student-oriented facets of the College. Considering the ubiquity of opaque bureaucracy in Hanover, that is truly…

Eyes Wide Open at the Protest

“The ultimate weakness of violence is that it is a descending spiral, begetting the very thing it seeks to destroy.” Looking out over our shaken…

Hopes and Hesitations on Greek Life

Editor’s note: The following is a collection of refelections offered by The Review’s crop of freshman about their preconceptions of the Greek system They’ve covered…

Tech Recruiting Takes Shape at Thayer

As we go through our studies at college, the world is entering an age of innovation. Graduating from Dartmouth, we expect to become the driving…