
On Fees and Fines

In 2014, Dartmouth attained the dubious distinction of being the ninth most expensive college in the United States, according to data compiled by the Chronicle…

Success in Computing at Dartmouth

Four years ago, the College’s Computer Science Department, under the direction of Thomas H. Cormen, adopted and embraced a new vision for the study of…

When Dartmouth Hires Faculty

Recently, Dr. Jason Moore, director of Dartmouth’s Institution for Quantitative Biomedical Sciences, was hired by fellow Ivy University of Pennsylvania to head its new Institute…

Liveblogging Moving Dartmouth Forward

President Phil Hanlon is announcing the long-awaited “Moving Dartmouth Forward” recommendations that the Steering Committee reported today in the Hopkins Center’s Moore Auditorium.  The Dartmouth Review is…

The Liberal Arts in Action

One day shortly after Thanksgiving, I took my brother, a junior in high school, into West Philadelphia to tour Penn’s campus. After sitting through the…

Status and Solidarity

The Dartmouth College Greek system, akin to similar establishments at colleges and universities across America, disseminates many positive effects on campus, such as provision of…

Cultural Appropriation Panel Reactions

Editor’s note: Certain inter-community groups held a panel on October 27 to discuss the specter of “cultural appropriation,” with a theme of “Is My Halloween…

Freshmen Ban Recap

The bathroom reeked of vomit at 2AM Sunday morning. In front of the sink’s cabinets, curled up with a bucket, John lay inanimate, moving infrequently…

The Chiliad, Book II

Here follows the catalogue of frat stars, demigods whose legends are sealed everlasting in the branches of the galaxy, whose chillness rivals the tundra of…