
Dartmouth Endowment Hits $4.5 Billion

Dartmouth’s endowment reported investment gains of 19.2 percent for fiscal year 2014, which ended on June 30, 2014. The endowment now stands at $4.5 billion,…

Cornell Columnist Targeted

When freshmen at Cornell ventured out of their dorms on Thursday, they happened upon an unfortunate display: flyers attacking the daily newspaper’s conservative columnist as…

What IS in a word?

Illegal: shoplifting, drugs, traffic laws, murder. Undocumented: lost, bureaucracy, secret, subversive. Both of these words are laden with connotations that cause intended and unintended emotions…

Beyond SAT Optional

While in recent years the SAT-optional movement and a general backlash against standardized testing have gained momentum, one college has decided to go further than…

Abandon All Hope, Ye Who Enter Here!

As joyous hordes of freshmen storm our campus, roaming its halls in ‘shmobs hungry for a taste of the Dartmouth social scene, the class of…

Dartmouth’s Greek Life Makes Newsweek

In last week’s edition of Newsweek, editors Abigail Jones ’02 and Alexander Nazaryan ’02 published an article on the issue of binge drinking at top colleges…