
Dartmouth Applications Down 14%

The media has had a field day reporting on old Dartmouth’s latest embarrassment: regular decision applications are down a whopping 14%. On the other hand,…

The Death of Philip Seymour Hoffman

Philip Seymour Hoffman was found February 2nd dead of a drug overdose on his bathroom floor. The heroin needle was still in his arm. More…

What’s With All the Pies?

There has already been lots of coverage of the debate between Bill Ayers and Dinesh D’Souza, but perhaps the most central conflict of the debate…

Ayers and D’Souza Face Off

In an event billed “the Ultimate Fight Between Left and Right,” Bill Ayers, former domestic terrorist and leader of Weather Underground turned education theorist, and…

Dinesh D’Souza Debates Bill Ayers

  Dinesh D’Souza ’83 and Bill Ayers will be discussing the nature of America and its ideals tonight at 7:30 in the Hopkins Center. The…

Of Cows and Drones

In light of the ongoing NSA controversy, the arrest and conviciton of a North Dakota man involved in a June 2011 skirmish with a local…

Videos from Winter Carnival of Old

This video, compiled by the Dartmouth Now team, shows some great scenes from Winter Carnivals from the 1930s to the 1960s. The shots of the…