
Good Guy Tebow

Many of you have been following the saga of Tim Tebow, one of the most compelling storylines of this NFL season. No doubt many of…

Your Vote Counts?

The goal of voter I.D. laws is to protect the principle of one person-one vote, by preventing fraud. In the Iowa Republican Caucus, Mitt Romney…

TDR Speaks with Mitt Romney

Governor Romney says that he will not change his campaign strategy for New Hampshire, and that the best thing he can do to help college…

A Tale of Two Nations

Whoa! What are you doing? Stop looking at facts and listen to the media! We clearly don’t have a spending problem; we only have a…

Judging Intents

Intent, unlike pixie dust, does not magically make things happen. A few days before Christmas, The Chicago Tribune carried an infuriatingly conciliatory piece summarizing the…

Ellis ’06 Recognized by Forbes

  Michael Ellis ’06, as seen this spring with his wife at TDR’s 30th anniversary gala in New York City (photo courtesy of Gordon Haff…