
Occupy…Wait, Really?

Dartmouth is a bit of a bubble. Since the Occupy Wall Street movement began around the time I came to campus, I haven’t really been…

Occupy the Green!

No, really. We just had this sent to us: To quote [Redacted]: “Bloomberg has ordered the eviction of the Occupy Wallstreet encampment tomorrow morning (at…

A Belated Take on the Debate

9-9-9, 9-9-9, 9-9-9…So went the refrain of Herman Cain tonight. Despite his repetitiveness, Cain somehow managed to be entertaining at the very least, prompting laughter…

What’s Wrong With Parkhurst?

By Mene O. Ukueberuwa The enlightened Dartmouth student is well aware that a variety of the seemingly unrelated cultural quirks that define our college are…

Meet the 53%

It was only a matter of time until direct backlash began against the silly Occupy Wall Street movement. One such salvo has been the new…

Well, There They Go Again…

These signs have been popping up around campus. A pity (click to enlarge). I suppose it was inevitable. With a campus as liberal as Dartmouth…

Indians Lose to Bulldogs

Yale came away victorious yesterday with a 30-0 victory over the Indians on the gridiron. Part of the problem was the pressure put on Dartmouth’s…

GOP Debate at Dartmouth

The GOP Debate at Dartmouth College taking place this Tuesday, October 11th will be a memorable moment for students, faculty, and staff.  Every four years,…