
Empty Promises

Our amazing orator, President Barack Obama, dropped this knowledge on us yesterday. “If you hear something is happening and it hasn’t happened, don’t always believe…

Dameron Killing It at the WSJ

Not much to explain here. The Review’s former Editor-in-Chief Charlie Dameron ’11, now a Robert Bartley Fellow at the Wall Street Journal, was requested to…

So Long to the Fighting Sioux

The University of North Dakota has long been home to the “Fighting Sioux.” But in a decision on Monday, North Dakota’s Board of Higher Education…

Rick Perry and Crony Capitalism

The Review’s own Charles Dameron ’11 had a weekend piece in the Wall Street Journal breaking down a certain controversial aspect of Rick Perry’s governorship of Texas….

Riots Calm Down

After days of rioting and looting, the tensions in London appear to be winding down. On Wednesday, PM David Cameron vowed to stand behind the…

To Lighten The Mood

It’s not a stretch to say the country was left feeling a little gloomy in the wake of Standard and Poor’s gimmick downgrading of the…

House Page Program Terminated

Yesterday, House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) made a joint decision to end the House Page Program, a nearly 200-year-old tradition….