
Results of SA Student Budget Survey

Tough economic times call for sensible belt-tightening? The results, when asked which were the most important elements of a student’s Dartmouth experience, are exactly what…

Geithner ’83 in tax trouble?

The Wall Street Journal reports that Mr. Obama’s nominee for Treasury Secretary, Timothy Geithner ’83, may not have paid Social Security and Medicare taxes for…

Back in the Swing of Things

Academia is a strange, surreal place: Of course, not every sexual exchange at an academic conference ends with both parties happy. Israel Reyes, an associate…

Reiko Ohnuma, Part 2

Further examination of Reiko Ohnuma’s Facebook profile has dug up a few more gems: * On co-professor Clarence Hardy: “Reiko is co-teaching this term with…

Dartmouth Professor Uncensored…

As just about any college student knows by now, posting embarrassing things on Facebook or MySpace can have serious repercussions: taunts and ridicule, lost job…

Presidential Generosity

This little gem popped up in the final paragraph of an article about the upcoming Men’s Soccer match against Boston College. Admission for Dartmouth students…

New Indian Store Online!

The Dartmouth Review invites all of its readers to visit our new Indian Store, featuring re-designed T-shirts, mugs, mousepads and more! Click here to visit…

Thanksgiving Wishes

This type of thing never ceases to amuse me. Happy Thanksgiving, readers! From: Sustainable DartmouthSubject: *Have a Happy, Sustainable Thanksgiving!*To: (Recipient list suppressed) Dear Dartmouth,…

TIm Geithner ’83 to Head Treasury

Last Friday, Barack Obama announced that Timothy Geithner, Dartmouth ’83, will be his nominee for Treasury Secretary. It is notable that, succeeding Henry Paulson ’68,…