Trustee Letter Upsets Alums
Alumni have been contacting The Dartmouth Review en masse about the trustee letter sent out to them last night. Here’s a sample response, representative of…
Alumni have been contacting The Dartmouth Review en masse about the trustee letter sent out to them last night. Here’s a sample response, representative of…
At Power Line, below the fold: Now, let’s address the trustees’ diversionary attacks on those of us who disagree with them. Are we “well-organized and…
This just in: the trustees sent out this letter below to Dartmouth alums in the wake of the Association of Alumni election. The election’s voting…
From: Alexander J. Felix Date: 28 Apr 2008 18:46:36 -0400Subject: To the Dartmouth CommunityTo: [redacted] I would like to offer a full and sincere apology…
Just got two of these within a second. Double the fun for me, I guess. Below the fold. ***** T r a n s F…
From NRO’s the Corner, after the jump: Which brings us back to the voting that begins today. Now that the current officers of the Association…
We have just discovered that Bonnie Lam’s name is listed on the “Who We Are” portion of the Dartmouth Undying website. Not only is Bonnie…
The AoA election, which begins today, is essentially a referendum on the Association led lawsuit. The lawsuit is in response to the Board of Trustees’…
In case you missed something: Ed Haldeman’s lawyer responds to our article. The whistleblower alleges that Haldeman, as CIO, knew about preferential market timing. His…
The Review has obtained the following email from Dean Zimmerman to the students involved. If anyone attended this meeting, please leave a comment with the…