
The Teepee Tequila

Ingredients Toilet Paper Purell (or Everclear)Pepto-BismolDesperationTequila His papers are submitted, it was not fun,But now his work is finally done. This occasion should be joyous, he departs…

The Economics of Art(icle)

“To introduce students to this complexity, in the final weeks of winter term, the Hood Museum hosted a lecture entitled The Economics of Art that explored the art market and determinants of value.”

Race to the Fourth

With mandatory pass/fail grading, the allure of the fourth class has proven too strong to resist for most.

On The Relative Merits of Incompetence

On Sunday, several staff members, myself included, collaborated on a piece outlining the disastrous online course Add/Drop that occurred last Monday. As I wrote in…

Wang: On Knowing Nothing

“I’ve learned one thing, and that is that I know nothing.” I’ve always found it a stunning contradiction that students come to Dartmouth to learn…