
The Appalachian Absinthe

Ingredients – 50 oz absinthe – 50 g organic cane sugar – 50 mL iodine creek water or urine – 10 bottles 5-hour energy –…

Dartmouth Feels the Bern

Bernie Sanders shouts incantations from The Communist Manifesto to his entranced disciples at BEMA On September 29, 2019, a crowd, mostly made up of curious…

The Capitalist Mind, The Socialist Heart

Arthur Brooks: Social Scientist, writer, and musician On September 23rd, Arthur Brooks, a social scientist who joined the faculty at Harvard Business School in July,…

Cuomo Takes Aim at Res-Life Regime

Buried deep in the slew of emails that customarily announces the start to another Dartmouth term was one that would call students from an apathetic slumber, the announcement …

The Merits of Manual Labor

Christopher Sacca, a top tech investor notable for his role in starting Twitter, Uber, Instagram, Twilio, and Kickstarter, stated that “American computer science grads often…

The SAT Adversity Score: A Primer

Courtesy of College Board “In Defense of the SAT Adversity Score” – The Atlantic “College Board’s new SAT ‘adversity score’ unfair to students” – USA…