On Awe, a Summary and Critique
Senior Christopher Moore presented his thesis and senior fellowship on the philosophy of awe yesterday. The audience, fifty strong, “exceeded my expectations,” said Moore, “which…
Senior Christopher Moore presented his thesis and senior fellowship on the philosophy of awe yesterday. The audience, fifty strong, “exceeded my expectations,” said Moore, “which…
Dartlog.net now has an RSS feed for syndication. The URL is http://dartlog.net/index_rss.xml . Direct questions here. For those wondering what to do with RSS, here…
Kalb Chronicles: A new installment is up from our man-in-the-field. Read it here.
Wednesday Happenings: “Everything at Dartmouth after 11 A.M.” (nearly derailed by a German) “Blood Drive” 11 A.M. – 4:30 P.M., Alumni Hall–“Help ensure that New…
Gimp-hard: Harry, the man’s name is spelled Gephardt. Honestly. Although his police detail (which diligently protect his house and mine) refuse to oblige my requests…
Sex Toys Lecture in Tindle: Yesterady in Tindle Lounge at 7pm, Health Resources and the Women’s Resource Center had their spring episode of the Let’s…
Tuesday Happenings: “Everything at Dartmouth after 11 A.M.” (on-time thanks to the construction workers) “What matters to me and why” noon, Tucker–Lunch with professor Konrad…
Gephart: (from our man in the trenches Harry Camp) In the cramped faculty lounge of the Top of the Hop, House Minority Leader Richard Gephart…
Who woulda thunk it?: Harvard’s Undergraduate Council tries to make ROTC cadets’ lives a bit easier.
The WSJE feature on Pim: Here’s the piece Hummel was talking about.