
Dartmouth Students Not Ready for Hillary

The Daily Mail interviewed 50 randomly selected Dartmouth students about Hillary Clinton’s recently launched campaign for President. It seems that Clinton has some work to…

Rounds Roulette

During the last few weeks of last Winter term, rumor spread around campus that a new policy, consistent with other recent Moving Dartmouth Forward (MDF)…

So I’m Taking a Layup

So I’m taking my first “layup” class at Dartmouth this term. Layup classes are also sometimes called “gut” classes. The gist is that they are…

The State of (Judicial) Affairs

So, it sounds like your fraternal organization screwed up. Perhaps you stand accused of breaking a few rules, of this or that type. The Administration…

A Disappearance in the Hood

A pillar of Dartmouth’s artistic community is missing: Michael R. Taylor has left the Hood Museum under mysterious circumstances. Taylor was the Director and Chief…

Women’s Rugby Gains Varsity Status

Dartmouth’s female ruggers are finally getting the recognition they deserve. The College’s athletic director, Harry Sheehy, announced that beginning with the 2015-2016 academic year, women’s…

Alpha Delta Fraternity Derecognized

In a statement released today afternoon by a College spokesperson, Dartmouth’s Alpha Delta Fraternity has officially been derecognized by Dartmouth’s Organizational Adjudication Committee. Today’s announcement…