The Daily D reported today that the Dartmouth Coach is going to begin offering rides to New York City, undoubtedly a welcome benefit to students from the city. They’ll only be offering 1 trip a day, at $150 per round-trip ticket. The D failed to report on the fact that this new service is essentially an absurd luxury, given the alternatives for the car-less college student.
For just $80 (the price of a one-way ticket on the Coach’s new service), one can go to New York round trip. Simply take the Dartmouth Coach ($50) to Boston, and then stop by the Fung-Wah bus lines in South Station and grab a round-trip ticket to New York ($30). Both buses operate on the hour, every hour, as opposed to the Coach’s new one-a-day service, which costs almost twice as much. In the end, you’re only looking about an extra 1-1.5 hours of traveling, as well. Also, if you miss your return trip, you only have to wait an hour for the next bus, instead of a full day.
Unless you desperately need internet, a kitchen, a conference table and satellite radio, and don’t mind getting up for a 6AM bus, don’t bother with the new NYC service.
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