The College announced Friday it would accept students displaced by Hurricane Katrina. Several universities along the Gulf Coast, and in New Orleans in particular, have been shuttered for the fall semester.
President Wright offers some further details on the plan:
The students will be admitted under a temporary expansion of our Special Community Student Program, and we will not impose a limit on the number. We will review the program on a term-by-term basis, and will expect students to return to their home institutions once that is possible.
We will waive the tuition for these students, but they will be admitted with the provision that they pay the regular tuition at their home institutions. We envision that the home institutions will use the tuition funds to help rehabilitate their campuses and to help offset some of the impact on their local employees.
We are not in a position to offer housing on campus, but we will reach out to the community to organize a volunteer effort to help any students admitted under this program to find housing within a reasonable distance of the College.
Meanwhile, the alumni office has established a blog to help affected alumni connect with one another.
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