…with Vitamin Water and cold, hard cash. Apparently, Dartmouth Undying is paying students to campaign for the organization’s cause. Someone in my sorority sent the following e-mail out to the sorority’s e-mail list [edit: the e-mail was sent out last night, btw].
If you want to make an easy $100 bucks and do something good for the Dartmouth community you can join me in calling women Alumni with Martha Beattie (Nell Beattie 09’s mom) to encourage them to vote for Dartmouth Unity Ballot in the elections for the Association of Alumni Executive Committee. The ballot is headed by John Mathias ’69 (I think it’s Alice ’07 TriDelt’s dad??) and they are wanting to end the unnecessary lawsuit against the school that is costing us millions of dollars.
I did it today and it was super easy. Hours 7-10:30 pm,
$100. All you do is read a prompt sheet and call women Alumni. Martha Beattie is a super sweet woman and bought pizza and Vitamin water for us! We are going to call again on Monday and Tuesday (same hours). If you want to help please just come to the Coldwell Banker House (yellow house across from Psi U) Mon or Tues between 7-10:30pm. If you are concerned about calling because you don’t now what you are representing you can go to the org’s website: dartmouthundying.org and read up on the initiatives.I will be there for sure on Monday if you are shy and want to walk over with someone.
You can also email Ms. Beattie if you have any questions: marthabeattie76@msn.com
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