Election Rules Violations — V

The Alumni Association has strict rules limiting candidates and their supporters to two emails total. So far, supporters of the official slate, including members of the College governance establishment, have sent three (known) emails, written one op-ed in the Daily D and created a website to launch often ad-hominem attacks on the petition candidates. This appears to be substantially more than normally allowed.

Now, there are new developments:

  • An alumnus has forwarded to The Review a third “concerned alumna” email, this time from an anonymous yahoo.com account. The message is almost identical to the one Alumni Council member Belinda Chiu ’98 and the Dartmouth Asian Pacific American Alumni Association sent to alumni on Tuesday. The email differs from the previous two only in that it lacks the personal note at the top; all of the pro-College talking points are exactly the same. The same message was also sent out to some subscribers of the alumni office’s new inCircle online networking service.
  • Another alumnus reports that Alumni for a Strong Dartmouth has sent paper petitions to alumni asking them to sign on to their platform.

The evidence increasingly points to a concerted but transparent effort by the alumni establishment to attack petition candidates Peter Robinson ’79 and Todd Zywicki ’88.

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