Late Tuesday night, when it became apparent Donald J. Trump would be the next President of the United States, a small group of students began to camp out on the Dartmouth Green. They erected a large sign reading, “NO.” As Wednesday progressed, a circle of mournful faces gathered around the sign. Tearful students skipped their classes, and professors canceled exams. Dean of the College Rebecca Biron and Vice Provost for Student Affairs Inge-Lise Ameer event sent an email in an attempt to help the distraught studentry, “This is an especially challenging time because of local and global reactions to the election results….”
At four o’clock, students amassed on the Green and marched through Baker and Berry Libraries, down Main Street, past Memorial Field, and back to the Green. They concluded their demonstration with a circle pep-talk, in which demonstrators argued over the purpose of the event. Kevin Bui, a Dartmouth student, denounced “white girl feminism” as detracting from the support for people of color, while an older, female participant stood up for her compatriots.
Watch our website for further updates as the fallout from the election continues.
Was it just a day or a few minutes ago that Hilarious was scolding Mr. Trump for refusing the ‘accept”whatever result the elections threw up?!Ah, but that was beforethw communists lost! That changes everything!Now the little red weenies have to keep chanting their insults and acting as if the people’s choice really ISthe Second Coming of Adolph Hitler!So we get more screeching, chanting,mis-spelt signs and raised fists! Children, the grownups have rejected Obamanismroot and branch-and they don’t have to take orders from over-inflated undergraduates!
Trump is going to be a disaster. He LOST by over Two MILLION votes. YOUR days are numbered, you obtuse little twerp.
The more money Empty Stein spends on frivolous recounts, the higher Mr. Trump’s total gets to be!Gosh, d’ya suppose that, just possibly, he won-by getting more electoral votes than did the Wicked Witchofthe West Wing?
But what about the fact that “Trump has no path to 270”?
I thought that Hillary had the path to 400.
What could have happened in Florida?
What happened in Pennsylvania?
What happened in Ohio?
What happened in Michigan?
What happened in Wisconsin?
What happened in Iowa?
What happened?
Did the Russkies hack the Dem fraudsters and hacks?
One of the Left’s most endearing qualities its habit of retreating in cloud cuckoo land-and living there amidst the fluffy pink clouds on predictions and bought-and-paid for polls-and that fails they can always blame the Russians, or the Norks, or anybody other than the Wicked Witch of the Westfor being the worst possible candidate to sell a continuation of Obamanism!
In this country, who wins or loses is determined the people using the constitutional processes!
THE PEOPLE voted for Hillary Clinton, by a margin of just under 3 MILLION VOTES. I know most Dumb Dump voters are challenged by elementary arithmetic, but are you now mentally deranged as well?
It’s called the Electoral College.
Please read up on it & educate yourself.
The Electoral College is needed.
Hillary won the popular by but only 2 states gave her that lead, California & New York.
New York has the Highest Illegal Alien population followed by California.
A DNC spot will be along presently to insist that no criminaliens actually voted! And anyway, the Russians hacked the election, God only knows WHY,SO THE CONSTITUTION DOESN’T MATTER BECAUSE THEY DIDN’T GET THE BUTCHER OF BENGHAZIOR THE MURDERETTEOF MOGADISHU!
And Da Re Stocking ran around’ da more bees last night den da Pi-rates, so THEY obviously won-unless you’re too stoopit to follow the elegant mathematics, and think only runs count!
But the Left weenies can easily get around THAT!The voters aren’t smart enough to vote(not having paid Dartmouth enough tuition to qualify! Or the Russians hacked the election-orthere was mysterious collusion between the Trump campaign and the silly sodden sons of the Soviets!Or Trump voters were white! working class! and male!…and therefore required to vote for whatever the Democrats nominated!
Thou makest NOtthe rules Presidential elections. WEDID, back in 1789, and they say the one wit’s mos’eelectoral college votes wins-and dat, chillin’, is Mr. Trump.
Just slither back under your slimy rock snowflakes. Maybe Mommy feels for you, but the world could not really care less about your baby thoughts.
Hey, why don’t you SMA! And lick my dingleberries while you’re at it. YOU’RE the one who is going to soon need his diapers changed, you ugly old fart.
This is what passes for the intellectual leftist^^^^^
You’re too dumb to know that when you use your best vocabulary like this that it is the signal that you got beat.
Say, don’t you Dartmouth Review folks need to give warnings before using the word “trigger”? Some snowflake may think that you’ve made a reference to the existence of a weapon somewhere on earth. Then he or she (heh) might have to curl up in the fetal position.
Thanks goodness Hillary Clinton lost. Any time she talked, it made me feel “unsafe” and “marginalized.” I also was, ya know, invalidated and did not feel respected. Even now, I feel the need for a safe space and a free puppy.
Sniff. This election result is worse than Stalin’s purges and the dinosaur-killing asteroid combined. Literally!
Hey Lawrence…be careful who you’re mocking. Do you think you’re REALLY safe? It’s not too hard to find people like you who threaten violence. I’ve seen your other posts. The authorities will see them soon too.
Now, when do the celebrities who threatened (promised)to leave the country if Mr. Trump won, getting on the bus to Toronto?
Lawrence didn’t threaten violence.
I think the fact that you can’t read is holding you back from something.
True, Uncle Larry didn’t threaten-he just ordered :Charge!” and, of course “no prisoners!”
Is the left still NOT THREATENING VIOLENCE?!There ARE laws against that sort of thing, you know!
Hey Piper…put your nose back in the anus of Dumb Dump…okay? He’ll yell “YOU’RE FIRED!” any second now…he loves your tongue up there too…as much as you do
(Don’t you know what kind of “boss” you and your fellow conservatives are working for these days?)
Aren’t you tired of exposing yourself yet?
Time for another flash?
Do you do it in the grocery store or out on the street usually?
Just so I can avoid it.
Ah, the weenie Left-so creative! So original! So infantile!
But not on prestigious campiwith spineless wonder administrators!(See Berkeleyfor a view of the Leftist utopia, jackboots thundering down the street, goose stepping hob-nails striking sparks, billy clubs jangling!
The only living things killed by it-so far -have been cops murdered by BLM thugs!
“Kevin Bui, a Dartmouth student, denounced “white girl feminism””. The Revolution Eats Its Young.
Little do these white kids realize that they themselves are targets of the Progressive movement simply based on their white skin color. Its become quite obvious to more and more Americans that the far left Progressive movement is ant-white racist at its very core.
Hey James. Are you off of your medication AGAIN!?!? Wait till momma finds out. She’ll ban you from Fox “News” for at least a week of two. Hey, on the upside your “daddy” the Grand Wizard said he’s got your sheets ready…and the corn holing is “real sweet” between you baby boys…oohhhhh
A “G/rand Wizard”is the elected state Presidentofthe Klan, and none have been elected since 1875or so. If you are going to appoint yourself a Grand Pooh-Bahof something, why not go the whole hog and name yourself Imperial Wizard?The robes are fancier and it means you’re the National Head of the Invisible Empire!
“Hey Lawrence” “Hey James” More sexual assaults, calling people racist…you’re a wacko aren’t you?
You are forgetting Rule One:Only White people can be racist!It has something or other to do with social power!
Or whatever the excuse for black racism is this week!
Four great comments on this pathetic display of people who have been propagandized into idiocy.
Now the left is breaking apart and it will not be put back together anytime soon.
And that is good for everyone, even the people of the left as individuals.
The Left, generally speaking, shares some DNA with the Bourbon kings of France:they forget nothing-and learn nothing, from adversity, which is why assorted Bonaparte’s kept overthrowing them!
This happens fairly regularly:the Left gets a witch-hunt hate fest going and decides the Revolution has won and they’re in charge forever! Then the damn workers and peasants decide differently and the Left melts down in feckess, impotent rage!
Now, now….. take your pablum little person……..
This is part of what comes of hypertrophic insults!If you keep telling the snowflakes that so-and-so is the second coming of Adolph hitler, and the electorate, it turns out, doesn’t give a damn what stupid children think?What are they to do but throw a tizzyfitand retreat into some “safe space”to suck their thumbsand play with theircrayons?!
What are they protesting?An efree election that didn’t come out as they wished?
The campus left is the most racist, bigoted, intolerant, uninformed, economically illiterate, anti-American Revolutionary bunch of jacka–es anywhere to be found.
And here they are demanding something or other again.
“Gimme” “Gimme” “Gimme” They cried.
HOPIN YOUR TIME MACHINE AND SET THE WAY-BACK TO 1968! You’ll find them there, in a circle, singing Um-Bye-Yarand Das Internashunallewith joints their mouths, flowers their hair and patchouli fumes rising from their the-dyed shirts!
Yes, but they think they’re morally superior to everyone ELSE!Poseessed of all truth-and therefore entitled to throw panty-waist tizzy-fits whenever they don’t get their way!