Another alumnus, from the Class of 1955, reports that he has not received a paper ballot. The Alumni Association promised paper ballots even to those who voted electronically.
I voted electronically, but have not recieved a paper ballot. Is the college trying to tell us something? Send your money, but don’t interfere with what we do with it? I hope that there is an accounting of all the ballots, in the end, so that we can see what the vote spread and final totals are. Unless the process, which has taken on more controversy that in previous years, becomes transparent, there are many who will be disenchanted and disgruntled. Thanks for the ongoing chatter.
Update: Still another alumnus e-mails:
I am a ’68 and have not yet received a paper ballot. I voted via the internet and hope my vote will count. How will we know? (I know that makes me sound like some sort of paranoid conspiracy theorist, but this does seem to be a pretty loose process.) [Name withheld]
In the 1980 election that put petition candidate John Steele ’54, several votes were contested. Would that be possible today with online voting tabulated by a firm in Texas?
Alumni who have encountered any ballot problems are encouraged to write to the Dartlog editors.
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