>Date: Mon, 17 Nov 2003 20:11:24 -0500 (EST)
>Subject: Excessive Force?
>From: Review of Excessive Force
>Reply-To: “student.assembly@dartmouth.edu”
>Precedence: bulk
>To: Alexander D Talcott
Have you felt mistreated, manhandled, or abused by the either S&S or the Hanover police? Have you felt threatened or been threatened by these authorities? Have you felt that your rights have been violated by these authorities?
Student have complained of falling victim to excessive force during Homecoming events and college investigations. As a result of these and other complaints, Student Assembly and The Dartmouth Civil Liberties Union are joining together to ensure students are treated with respect.
If you feel that your rights have been violated, or you have been mistreated by the administration, S&S, or the Hanover Police, please tell your story. Either reply to this blitz, or if you wish to remain anonymous, you may submit your story to the DCLU’s website:
With your permission, your personal accounts will be used to present a case to the Adminstration that calls for action to address these greivances.
Thank you for your help.
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