It would probably be risky for most Greek organizations to advertize something like this…
*tHiS SaTuRdaY…
tHe LaDiEs oF tHe PINK aNd tHe GREEN
hAve a VeRy SpEciaL tReat fOr yOu…
~*PiNk FaNtASKEE*~
..LoSe YoUrSeLf iN tHe LaViSh GrOoVe…
pRoMiSeD tO bE a NiGhT yOu’LL nEvEr fOrgEt…
…CuTtEr/ShAbBazZ uNdErGrOunD…
11 PM
sHoW oFf YoUr bEsT *BLACK*
YoUr wiLdeSt *WHITE*
tO reCeive aNd iNduLge iN a SpEciAL LiTtLe
….cOme sAtisfy yOuR DeSirE….
yOu wOn’T be DiSappoiNted…
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