If it ain’t broke… Well, it is broke. Let’s start over.

While TDR typically does its best to keep out of Student Assembly affairs (my personal detest for the institution is well known), a candidate like this only comes along once in a while. There has been a slew of candidates this year who have tried to get on the ballot as write-ins, so what’s one more. Below is the candidate statement of Tyler McIntyre ’08, who I at least personally will support as Student Assembly President (i.e. this is NOT an endorsement by The Dartmouth Review). I urge you to do the same, if only for the sake of your student activities fee.

The emphasis is mine, to highlight the key points

Dartmouth College student body:

I am writing this open letter to the Dartmouth College student body to announce my running for the SA student body president. While I realize that I am late to announce my running for office, I know I am qualified to fulfill the position.
My announcement has been carefully considered; hours have been spent deliberating this announcement. The answer is a resounding “YES”. My plans for my presidency are simple. If elected I plan to dismantle the Student Assembly. The assets of the Student Assembly will be sold and the treasury emptied; cash returns will be given to students. The disassembling of the Assembly enhances Dartmouth College. No more law school applicants will claim to be my student body president, except for me. Although some may say I am not as qualified as my opponents, my honesty is undeniable. The Assembly’s greatest accomplishment is enhancement of an out-dated communication system: the cell phone will overcome. My qualifications differ from most characters who seek the position. A ruthless campaigning strategy asking for your vote through email will not exist in my voting head quarters. I can assure the student body 3rd party members will not ask for you to vote for me. My platform is simple “Disassemble student assembly.” Its purpose at an institution, as strong as Dartmouth College, is a hoax. For students to believe the Student Assembly is in anyway involved in channeling Trustee and Administration goals is discrediting the intelligence of its students. Although voting in this election will give creditability to the Assembly, your vote for me is not a support of the system. A vote for me is a vote for an end to the Student Assembly.
With its dismantling, email can be used at Dartmouth College. The dismantling of the assembly raises questions. Where will the lines of communication between student and administration exist? We need to take advantage of Dartmouth’s small student body. I suggest a pure direct democracy. The size of the College allows for equality between students, and it should allow for better communication between students and administration. A direct referendum can exist for important matters.
The inefficiencies of the student assembly are undeniable. Students’ ideas and concerns can not be limited to new blitz terminals. Or Guster. Or Dashboard Confessional. We do not need a new face for the Student Assembly to turn things around; we need no face.
I am asking for your vote today. I come with one promise. The dismantling of the SA. The removal of the unnecessary middleman between the administration and the student body will undoubtedly enhance Dartmouth College. One of Dartmouth’s greatest qualities, its small student body, will conquer its biggest inefficiency. A more active student body will emerge. Issues with the college will be discussed more than once a year. Your vote for me in this election will no longer be a vote of silence.

Vote for me…first, 2nd, or at least last.

To that effect, it bears pointing out that Student Assembly did not exist in any form until about ten years ago, and the College and student body both functioned just fine without it.

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