August 6, 2010
Ameer departs her former post at Harvard University as Interim Director of Advising Programs and assistant dean of the Advising Programs Office and arrives at Dartmouth College, working on the dean’s senior management team as leader of the Student Academic Support Services and Campus Life divisions with the title of Associate Dean of the College for Student Support Services, a position created “as part of an administrative restructuring that aimed to make the administration more cohesive.” According to Ameer’s official biography, this position is “the primary student affairs liaison to the faculty” and dealt with “all of the academic support services and campus life units in the student affairs division.”
February 5, 2013
The Center for Women and Gender officially changes its name to the Center for Gender and Student Engagement in an attempt to “recognize that all students have a gender identity and that they all have issues that we could help them address, whether it has to do with masculinity or femininity or how they interplay on our campus,” according to director Jessica Jennrich. Along with a name change comes a break-off from OPAL; the Center instead reports directly to Ameer.
April 23, 2013
In wake of the disastrous and embarrassing Dimensions protests, all classes are canceled in a decision by Interim President Carol Folt and Dean of the Faculty Michael Mastanduno. Ameer leads a meeting of faculty and administrators that spearheaded the decision.

There’s a whole administrative world out there that stereotypes students based on their political views.
June 25, 2014
After the resignation of the infamous Charlotte Johnson, Ameer is named Interim Dean of the College by President Hanlon. The Dartmouth News press release cites Ameer’s achievements in her previous work on campus as she “initiated and guided significant advances in student services, including the planning and opening of the Ross Advising Suite in the library, resulting in a 30 percent increase in student utilization of services offered by the undergraduate deans. Ameer has also advanced campus services and access for students and other community members with disabilities, worked with faculty to create and implement the 360 Advising pilot program for first- and second-year students, and ensured the continuation and expansion of the First Year Student Enrichment Program for first-generation students.”
April 14, 2015
It is announced in a campus-wide email from Provost Carolyn Dever that Ameer will fill the position of a new post titled Vice Provost of Student Affairs, effective July 1. In an interview with The Dartmouth, Ameer described herself as “a strong advocate for students.” Despite the new title, Ameer would “bring nearly all of her old responsibilities as interim dean to her new role… and will serve as a force of accountability for student affairs.”
June 18, 2015
Dean Ameer sends a campus-wide blitz affirming that Dartmouth students enrolled in the College “may not live in in Greek Letter, undergraduate, or senior society facility that is not recognized by the College”. This measure was in response to the ambiguous situation of Alpha Delta fraternity, which was derecognized in May 2015. The reasoning behind the reinstatement of the policy, which had been discontinued in 2011, was cited as student “health and safety.”
November 16, 2015
Ameer addresses a room full of students and community members about the Black Lives Matter protest in Baker Berry Library which occurred on November 12. At this meeting Dean Ameer infamously addressed phone calls from concerned alumni by noting that the administration had received “a lot of terrible calls” and that “We told them that they were all ridiculous, and that the protest was a wonderful beautiful thing.” She further explained the phone calls by noting that “There’s a whole conservative world out there that’s not very nice.” The incident receives widespread media attention.
November 23, 2015
Dartmouth loses its green light ranking from FIRE (Foundation for Individual Rights in Education). This is due to the overbroad and threatening system of “Bias Incident” reporting on campus, a system offered by OPAL.
January 7, 2016
An article in The Dartmouth describes a letter circulated by the faculty detailing support for financial diversity initiatives aimed at increasing the representation of people of color amongst the student body and faculty. In an interview with the paper, art history professor Mary Coffey describes how “We felt that it was urgent that we draft something and circulate it for signatures before everyone dispersed because we felt at the end of the term there was a lot of negative publicity that was coming to the college as a consequence of some of the hyperbolic, exaggerated and sometimes fallacious claims that were being made about the Black Lives Matter solidarity protest and the attacks on the vice provost of student affairs Inge-Lise Ameer by the [Dartmouth] Review.”
Feb 2, 2016
Announced in a campus-wide email from President Hanlon and Dean Biron that Ameer and Dean Rebecca Biron will co-chair the student working group, an additional bureaucratic mechanism to discuss diversity on campus. The fruits of this endeavor, nearly a year after its inception, are still yet to be determined.
November 9, 2016
In conjunction with Dean Rebecca Biron, Ameer sends out a campus-wide email regarding the presidential election. Within the email they list a wide array of campus resources and support to help cope with what they describe as “an especially challenging time because of local and global reactions to the election results.”
January 6, 2017
Provost Carolyn Dever sends a campus-wide blitz announcing the departure of Inge-Lise Ameer. Provost Dever cites a “reorganization of leadership in Student Affairs” as the reason for the departure. It is clarified that her position will not be filled and that Student Affairs will be overseen by the Dean of the College.
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