Kim Blitzes Campus

Well, at least it’s not telling us to not touch the fire or rush the field for once.

Dear Students,

The moment you matriculated to this College you became a member of the Dartmouth community. This is a lifelong membership, and you should not underestimate how much you will gain from it in knowledge, experience, and friendship.

Traditions like Homecoming invigorate this sense of community and have helped maintain it year after year (a point that is more than apparent in this recent Dartmouth YouTube video: These traditions, however, are threatened when members of our community, whether they are students or alumni, engage in dangerous and harmful behavior, including binge drinking and sexual assault.

Be safe this weekend. If you choose to drink alcohol, please do so in moderation. Be proactive about seeking help for anyone you think might need it.

Do not hesitate to call Safety and Security at 603-646-4000 for assistance, even if you are not sure it is necessary.

Look out for one another. Together, we can ensure Homecoming is safe and enjoyable for everyone.


Jim Yong Kim

— Sterling C. Beard

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