Sustainable Dartmouth sent out a petition today, gauging support for a “Sustainable Living Center”. The petition reads as follows:
This is a survey to estimate student support and interest in a Sustainable Living Center.
The Residential Life Philosophy states that “residential communities are designed to provide a variety of learning opportunities that promote the academic endeavors of students and encourage the growth and development of our students.” In the interest of providing a residential option that would include:
–living in an environmentally-conscious community,
–setting an example for living a low-impact, low-energy, sustainable lifestyle,
–the use of environmentally-friendly appliances and products,
–providing education and resources on practical green living,I would support the design and creation of a Sustainable Living Center for Dartmouth College.
Whether the Living Center would be implemented as soon as next year remains unclear. I, for one, am hoping for the petition’s success: the College could rent out tents along the Connecticut for $1,000 a term, giving these eco-crunchies quick and easy access to a daily bath.
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