
Yeah, there are some flaws in Stein�s analysis, but for the most part, I think it holds up. Of course Dartlog and TDR are a part of the Dartmouth community; Dartmouth is not a gated community where Parkhurst controls every aspect of our life (although it�s getting closer). By intending itself for the Dartmouth population and often devoting itself to the issues of campus, Dartlog (and The Review) become a part of our community, just as off-campus parties are a part of our Dartmouth experience. Dartlog�s legal affiliation with the college is irrelevant in a discussion on Dartlog�s impact on the students of the college.

Furthermore, Stein argues not that Dartlog �needs to be ended,� but that �heartless and racists comments� are �unacceptable behavior� and need to be ended. I�m sure Grossman can (and will) make a legitimate argument against the hairstylists, but his crack dealer comment fell somewhere on the wrong side of legitimate arguments. While I agree that it is slightly odd that Stein would argue that Grossman�s words �should not be posted for others to see� and then print them in the D, Stein can certainly make an argument that printing Grossman�s words are a necessary evil.

As for your �critical reaction� argument, the point of Stein�s article seems not so much outrage that Grossman�s comments can occur, but that Grossman�s comments can occur without reaction from progressives. As such, Stein�s article is less a straight �critical reaction� than a critical reaction to a (lack of) critical reaction.

While Stein�s article may be addressed to Grossman, you are perfectly aware that open letters tend to be published for an audience other than that to which they are addressed. While it tends not to be standard practice to explicitly state the audience of an open letter, I see no reason why it can�t be done.

While I don�t entirely understand your argument that leads to Grossman being described as progressive, I find the conclusion highly entertaining. The biggest flaw in Stein�s article, though, is that it is addressed to the progressive community. The implication there is that the conservative and moderate elements of campus are incapable of being outraged at racism.

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