My Late Thoughts on the Panhell Boycott

Although I’m a freshman and therefore have little experience with the overall narrative of Greek Life on this campus, I feel that too much of the discourse at Dartmouth concerns guys and girls getting drunk in basements. I hope, however, that the hypocrisy of my statement — highlighted by the fact that I am currently writing on the Greek system — does not dilute my overall goal with this blog post.

Delta Delta Delta, one of Dartmouth's 8 Panhellenic sororities

Delta Delta Delta, one of Dartmouth’s 8 Panhellenic sororities

We squander intellectual capital with bluster unbacked by action. One of the greatest lessons my high school English teacher dispensed to me is that we are now living in an age where talk is cheap and responsible action is priceless. We all received an email from five important ladies highlighting flaws in the Greek system. This sort of talk is something we are inured to.

As a student interested in joining a fraternity, I was concerned by the statements of the email. Naturally I was curious. After I asked a wide group of girls how they felt about sorority rush, I’ve realized that the process may be flawed. While I hope that some of the accusations are overblown, I know that these ladies would not have blitzed the whole campus without holding solid convictions.

So, I have nothing left to feel but respect. I respect that five women who hold office and can affect change are trying to do so. I hope their public challenge is rewarded with positive reform. Still — at the end of the day, it’s just kids drinking in basements.


— Henry Woram

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