NCAA Data Released

Recently, the NCAA released its Academic Progress Rate (APR) data for collegiate athletics. This new system, which attempts to clarify and increasingly regulate academic standards in college sports, is out of one thousand points, and calculated for each sport a school offers.

It works like this: each student-athlete on a team can get two points a semester or term: one for staying enrolled, and one for staying academically eligible. The points of every player on the team are added up, and divided by the number of points possible. This number is then converted onto a 1000-point scale. A score of 925 is needed to avoid NCAA sanctions.

According to the NCAA, seven percent of all Division I teams would receive sanctions by this standard (sanctions are not being levied until next year, however), and 51 percent of all institutions would have at least one team on the sanctions list.

Thankfully, Dartmouth does not have any teams on the list. (Warning: pdf file.) Though it’s unclear how much of a role, if any, the D-Plan plays in these figures (pushing them down, most likely), it’s a good document to peruse. Of particular interest is how Dartmouth compares to the average institution and the average private institution.

Congratulations to the College’s perfect-scoring teams: men’s lacrosse, both men’s and women’s golf, men’s skiing, both men’s and women’s tennis, and field hockey.

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