New AoA Slate Announced

The AoA’s nominating committee has announced their slate of candidates for the coming spring election. The consequences of the vote will be significant, for if the proposed candidates are elected then the lawsuit will surely be dropped.

The Association of Alumni Executive Committee’s Nominating Committee, comprised of Bill Hutchinson ’76, Kate Aiken ’92, Cheryl Bascomb ’82, and nonvoting secretary David Spalding ’76, has announced the following slate of nominated candidates for the 2008 Association of Alumni election.

Executive Committee Officers: President – John H. Mathias Jr. ’69; First Vice President – Cheryl A. Bascomb ’82; Second Vice President – Douglas H. Keare ’56, ’57Th, ’57Tu; Secretary/Treasurer – David P. Spalding ’76. Executive Committee Members: Marian Zischke Baldauf ’84; Veree Hawkins Brown ’93; John S. Engelman ’68; Ronald G. Harris ’71; Kaitlin Jaxheimer ’05; Otho E. Kerr, III ’79; Ronald B. Schram ’64

In addition, the Nominating Committee agreed to nominate any other incumbents who wanted to stand for releection [sic]. As a result, the Nominating Committee announces that these current members of the Association of Alumni Executive Committee are nominated for reelection: Executive Committee Officer: Second Vice President – Frank Gado ’58; Executive Committee Members: Martin Boles ’80, Marjory Grant Ross ’81, Alexander Mooney ’93.

Note that those on the Nominating Committee didn’t nominate anyone to run against themselves—while they did nominate people to run against other Executive Committee members standing for reelection.

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