–> Regurgitator <-- --> Regurgitator <-- --> Regurgitator <-- –> Regurgitator <-- --> Regurgitator <-- --> Regurgitator <-- Clear your calendars. He’s back! THE REGURGITATOR THIS FRIDAY, APRIL 16TH 8:00 pm Collis Commonground Another great event brought to you by PB –> Regurgitator <-- --> Regurgitator <-- --> Regurgitator <-- –> Regurgitator <-- --> Regurgitator <-- --> Regurgitator <-- Just tell me when you’d like some smoke” says Stevie, “Would you like all or half of it? Or how about putting it in a soap bubble?” Next to disappear down Stevie’s throat is a miniature Rubic’s cube and when he returns it – SURPRISE – all the rows have been turned. Among the other amazing stunts Stevie performs is swallowing a bowl-full of dry sugar followed by a glass or two of water and then bringing the sugar back bone dry. Or how about swallowing a gentleman’s ring followed by a locked padlock and the key and returning them with the ring locked inside the padlock! Maybe the stunned audience would like a card trick (swallowed, of course) before Stevie swallows two live goldfish, only to return them unharmed at the end of the show (having drunk enough water to keep them swimming happily inside). –> Regurgitator <-- --> Regurgitator <-- --> Regurgitator <-- –> Regurgitator <-- --> Regurgitator <-- --> Regurgitator <--
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