Joseph Asch ’79 has added some thought provoking concerns to the question about President Wright’s replacement. The whole piece is well worth a read, but this excerpt is particularly intriguing:
Will the committee’s faculty members be among Dartmouth’s highest achieving scholars, or will our most rigorous professors be shut out of this process, as they are too often excluded from the College’s top administrative bodies? Will the trustees on the search committee include a petition trustee, or will they be picked from the block-voting loyalists chosen by Wright? Will alumni members represent a spectrum of views, or will they be party-liners from an Alumni Council that voted unanimously for a constitution that was rejected by 52 percent of alumni?
Finally, will the search be conducted by the Spencer Stuart headhunting firm, home of Wright hyper-loyalist Rick Routhier ‘73, a former head of the Alumni Council, or will the trustees run the search themselves?
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