Robinson: Insiders ‘trying to throw out the old constitution’

Laura Ingraham '85

Laura Ingraham ’85

Alumni Trustee Peter Robinson ’79 spoke Thursday morning to Laura Ingraham ’85, host of The Laura Ingraham Show and a former TDR editor, about how “the folks who run the Alumni Association are trying to throw out the old [alumni] constitution and give us an entirely new constitution.”

“It’s just one more instance of a group of insiders trying to control the situation,” Robinson explained to the national radio audience. The proposed new constitution would grant more power to those most closely tied to the College establishment and limit the ability of outsiders to have a say. As Ingraham put it, these insiders “want to change the rules because you were able to get access to the board and get the word out to alumni about what’s happening at Dartmouth College.”

“TJ Rodgers, Todd Zywicki and I are not going to play by those rules any more,” Robinson said, and they’re going to fight to keep the alumni in charge. Speaking directly to the alumni, he added: “We’d recommend that you vote against it.”

Click here to listen to the whole interview.

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