Siporen: I’m pissed off

Not that he has any substantive reason to be. The Daily D just gave him an unequivocal endorsement in Friday’s edition:

Siporen sees the improvement of students’ quality of life as the ultimate objective of Student Assembly and builds his platform on this vision. We endorse Siporen’s plan to first use small accomplishments to establish rapport with the administration, Student Assembly members and the student body, and to then parlay these accomplishments into broader initiatives. . . .Having served as the Assembly’s Parliamentarian for two years, Siporen possesses an outstanding working knowledge of the organization and its structural flaws, and his attention to detail and ability to follow through on initiatives make him the candidate most likely to improve students’ everyday lives at Dartmouth.

The Editorial Board’s reasoning is a bit perplexing—not that we haven’t come to expect that. Do we really need a president who counts amongst his chief concerns the sushi monopoly exercised at the College—in the middle of New Hampshire. Perhaps the paper’s Editorial Board is made up of sushi enthusiasts.

In particular, the Board seem to have willfully ignored Siporen’s blatant hypocrisy. He has no interest whatsoever in reforming the Student Assembly as he claims in his Candidate Statement; one must either conclude that, or that he was an ignorant tool of Andreadis during the winter term.

The quote in the title comes from this article covering the ‘Greek’ Debate. All-in-all, the only thing that has come to light since the beginning of the campaign is this: SA is useful only insofar as it is a learning ground for the time honored political skills of equivocation, back-tracking, and bold ambition. But then again, perhaps we already knew that.

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