A member of the Class of 2002, who asked to remain anonymous, tells us that he hasn’t yet recieved his paper ballot for the alumni Trustee election, which was originally slated to end on Friday:
I still have not received any balloting materials from the college. The college definitely has my address, as I regularly receive the alumni magazine, newsletter, and lots of fundraising appeals, but no ballot. I have heard from many young alum friends that they are having the same experience. I voted electronically but because I wanted to make sure to get a vote in, but would have vastly preferred a paper ballot.
Voting is now slated to end May 6th. Any other alumni with similar experiences should contact the Dartlog editors.
Update: Another alumnus, from the Class of 1965, e-mails to tell us that “though I voted electronically on Day 1, they said I’d get a ballot, but I didn’t.” There seem to have been major problems with getting ballots out.
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