Our friends at the Advisory Committee on Investor Responsibility are back at it.
Date: 19 May 2005 18:14:30 EDT
From: Sally C. Newman
Reply-To: paradewithoutpermit
Subject: Investor Responsibility Forum
To: Sally C. Newman
Dartmouth’s Advisory Committee on Investor Responsibility Invites the Dartmouth Community to:
MAY 26
4 PM
(Between the Top of the Hop
and Alumni Hall, above the HB’s)
This year the ACIR has deliberated and made recommendations to the College as to how it should cast its votes in over a hundred shareholder resolutions at companies such as Disney, Costco, GE, Kellogg, Wal-Mart, ExxonMobil, Monsanto and Coca Cola. We have covered such issues as global climate change and corporate responsibility, human rights and labor standards in China and elsewhere, animal welfare and the fast food industry, and reimportation policies of pharmaceutical companies.
We have also been examining, with assistance from the Darfur Action Group, the relationship between companies doing business in Sudan and the genocide occurring in Darfur. The Darfur Action Group has petitioned the College to divest its holdings in certain companies operating in Sudan, and we continue to study that petition.
ACIR will report on these activities and open the floor to the Dartmouth Community to learn about your concerns and answer your questions.
Light refreshments will be provided.
Please come!
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