The new issue is now online and includes the following articles:
- Trusting Ed Haldeman – Bad Idea?
- 6/24/1891: Never Forget – how the 117 year old agreement might fade into history
- Blowing the Whistle on Ed Haldeman – An exposé on Haldeman’s dealings with Putnam.
- A special edition pullout with a survey on the candidates in the AoA elections, a short history of the AoA lawsuit, and an interview with the first female Dartmouth graduate.
- Presidential Dodgeball – the enigma surrounding the Presidential Search Committee.
- The Baseball team’s Success this Season
- the Met Opera‘s Performance at Dartmouth
- Babies By Design: A Brave New World? — A Book Review
- A recap of the SA elections
- Nedward Baldewoman’s continuing contribution
- The Last Word on the Board packing issue (from the pullout) and the real Last Word.
- Mixology – with lessons on both the Appletini and The Bar Packer.
- And of course, the Week in Review.
Yes, it’s a long issue.
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