The dream is alive

You may be glad to know that I heard from presidential candidate and third-place finisher in the New Hampshire Republican primary, John Buchanan, via e-mail today. Despite arrest and pending arraignment, he is well and is gearing up to announce the formation of a third party with Earth Day founder John McConnell. The man who came in second in the NH Republican primary, former Berlin, NH Mayor Richard Bosa, has endorsed Mr. Buchanan, saying, “I think John has the vision, guts and best chance to pull these corporatist grafters out of power.”

The text of the e-mail from Mr. Buchanan, whom I would love to host on campus in the spring:

>From: “john buchanan”


>Subject: Nice to hear from you…

>Date: Fri, 27 Feb 2004 11:14:35 -0500

>Importance: Normal

Senior Talcott (or Big Al, as I like to call you):

I should have known (as others predicted early on) that would bring

down some official wrath from the Bush administration by calling him

guilty of treason every night! I underestimated the opposition, to out

it mildly They have sent a powerful message now, I’d say, but I will not


BEFORE I was arrested on trumped up “stalking” charges (against the

ex-“agent” who was supposed to make me rich last October from my

infamous “Bush-Nazi files”), I was taken off a plane arriving at

Baltimore-Washington airport on Wednesday, February 4, when I was on way

to speak (invited) at National Press Club. I was aggressively

interrogated for two hours as if I might be planning to “harm” Bush, I

was arrested six days later, after I got home to Miami. My arraignment

is next Tuesday, and since I have no money for a lawyer, I will have to

go with the Public Defender, which should be OK since the charges are

false. We’ll see. I’ve thought about you since election night, and just

wanted to tell you how much the “Dartmouth Review response” meant to

me…I am pressing on now and will announce a third party March 20 with

John McConnell, the founder of Earth Day. Please feel free to call me at

XXXXXXXXX, so we can catch up. I’d love to see you again, and maybe

come speak at Dartmputh when the time is righjt. Thanks very much, Alex.

Take care, and keep the faith. And MOST important, KEEP DANCING!!!

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